Occasionally I experience that eliminated Distribution Points still show up in Site System Status in Configuration Manager with failed status. These issues often occur either because the DP has been removed incorrectly from Configuration Manager or because of some variety error in the removal process. In the below text you will find a quick guide in how to remove the DP from Site system components status.
This is not supported by Microsoft and use is at your own risk
Run below SQL command on the Config Mgr. Database server. Change the Sitecode='CEN' to your own Sitecode.
Search the database for obsolete records:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Summarizer_SiteSystem WHERE sitecode='CEN' AND status <> 0
Copies the records to a new table for backup just in case it is needed:
SELECT * INTO Summarizer_SiteSystem2 FROM dbo.Summarizer_SiteSystem WHERE sitecode='CEN' AND status <> 0
Delete obsolete records:
DELETE FROM dbo.Summarizer_SiteSystem WHERE sitecode='CEN' AND status <> 0
Update status record to set new status:
UPDATE dbo.Summarizers_Status SET status=0 WHERE sitecode='CEN'